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Justin Mohan Dad Video Head – A Horrific Crime Caught On Camera

Justin Mohan, 32, killed his dad. He shot Michael Mohn, 68, with a gun he bought a day before. After shooting, he cut off his dad’s head with a knife and machete. He made a Justin Mohan dad video head in a plastic bag. The Justin Mohan dad video head was disturbing and showed how crazy he was. He didn’t care about human life, even his own father’s.

Mohan was very angry at the government. He said crazy things like he was the new acting U.S. president. He hated his dad for working for the federal government. Mohan wanted federal officers to be tortured and killed publicly. His words and actions showed he was mentally unstable and had extreme political views. He was detached from reality and full of hatred.

Justin Mohan Dad Video Head - A Horrific Crime Caught On Camera

The horrible thing Mohan did to his own father shows how evil some people can be. It’s a wake-up call that we need to deal with mental health issues, extremism, and prevent violence before it happens.

Mohan bought a 9mm Sig Sauer handgun one day before killing his dad. He even gave up his medical marijuana card to get the gun. He planned the murder carefully. Getting the gun wasn’t just an impulse. Mohan was determined to commit this horrible crime.

After murdering his father, Mohan’s crazy behavior continued. He broke into a state National Guard facility. He wanted the National Guard to fight against the federal government.

Justin Mohan thought by working with the governor, he could act as the new U.S. president under martial law. His delusional ideas showed how mentally unstable and extreme he was.

Months before the crime, neighbors noticed Mohan acting strange and unhinged. His behavior was unsettling and changed a lot. Though not violent, there were warning signs that something was very wrong with him.

Mohan is charged with first-degree murder for killing his dad and abusing the corpse. He may face more charges for breaking into the National Guard facility. His crazy actions and claims about mobilizing against the government could mean additional charges.


YouTube said the video was removed for violating its graphic violence policy. However, Justin Mohan dad video head was viewed more than 5,000 times before it was taken down.

As the case proceeds, Mohan’s mental state and motivations will be examined closely. The outcome will not only decide his fate but also reflect on the societal issues of mental illness, extremism, and violence intertwining dangerously.

Please refer to the detailed information about the Justin Mohan on

Justin Mohan Dad Video Head - A Horrific Crime Caught On Camera

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